The Fountain of Wisdom that is known as Christina Yang.
Anyone who really knows me knows that I LOVE Grey's Anatomy.
Christina Yang is my spirit animal if thats even a real thing.
She's blunt, she's brilliant, she's beautiful.
She is Gold.
As silly as it may sound to idolize a fictional character, I do. I don't care, she spits out wisdom in her every day conversations that are beneficial to my life. She understands me.
Exhibit A:
We CHOOSE to accept crap from others. After a while we start to think that being treated horribly is normal. Somehow overtime our reality is warped and we convince ourselves that we deserve what we get. That we are inferior and don't deserve good things to happen to us. We learn to accept it.
You deserve more than to be walked all over and its within your power to stop that kind of behavior. Make that change. I don't care who has manipulated you in the past, and convinced toy that you deserve less. Thats BS and you don't need that kind of negativity in your life.
If it does not nourish the soul, get rid of it.
Exhibit B:
She knows she's a brilliant badass and she knows it.
She's an independent woman who prides herself for her brain, not her beauty.
We are so brainwashed by the media to believe that beauty is only skin deep, but Yang gets it.
It reminds me, "the beauty of my body is only half that of my brain." -John O'Callaghan
Exhibit C:
A woman of my own heart.
Being sassy when hungry is a real thing.
Exhibit D:
We both have a resting bitch face.
Don't tell me to smile, seriously.
My sisters and I all have this "problem", I kind of prefer it this way.
It keeps people from talking to me.
I'm not anti-social or upset. Chances are I'm thinking about something else or I just don't like you :)
Exhibit E:
She's a witty comedic genius.
Exhibit F:
She doesn't give an F, and I admire that.
One of the best realizations I've had is to stop caring what people think.
Of course its natural to want to please others, I'm guilty, but your number one priority is to make yourself happy. Stop apologizing for the decisions you make, stop feeling like you have to justify your life choices to others. Stop letting people walk all over you. Stick it to the man.
Its ok to say no.
Exhibit G:
When you're having a horrible day, take her advice and DANCE.IT.OUT.

Because sometimes a 30 second dance party is needed.
When it comes down to it Christina Yang, is just a solid human being. She's Real. She's Rad.
She's Gets It.
If you haven't found your person, find them.
They're out there.
I found mine. I love mine, and I always will.
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