We, as a human race have a horrible problem.
We often base our happiness upon others.
"I'll finally be happy when I get married."
"I'm sure I'll be happy once I get promoted."
"If I make other people look bad, I'll feel happier about myself."
"If I _____________, thats when I'll be happy."
and my personal favorite:
"I stay because he makes me happy."
When, and who told us that this was acceptable?
We push this on others like it's somehow their responsibility.
"Oh well, he didn't ________ so Im not very happy."
He didn't call, if that was the only thing he did, I'd be happy."
It's time to take the initiative.
Happiness is within your control.
Yes, others can ADD to your happiness, but they should not DEFINE your happiness.
You can't wait around waiting for others to make you stoked on life.
Generally, I'm a happy human.
I'm an optimist. I believe there is good in everyone and everyone deserves happiness.
Who am I to say one person deserve happiness and another doesn't?
I am not the decider.
They are.
So go on. Go on and decide if you want to be happy.
Believe it or not, you deserve it.
No matter what we've done in our lives, we deserve happiness.
Forgive others. Forgive yourself. Promote self worth.
Once upon a time, Kellyn Brandt was only happy when she was with a man.
This was the only way I felt validated, I felt special and wanted.
Adding a second last name was the solution. This is what brought me "joy."
"Joy" blinded me and suddenly I was secluded from my family in another state.
This "joy" also caused me to spend hours behind a locked bathroom door terrified.
The one thing I thought that was going to make me happy turned my life into a living hell.
Then one day I found myself at the bottom of the barrel.
I had been spread so thin, that I didn't even recognize the person in the mirror.
This wasn't who I was.
I didn't love him, but most importantly, I didn't love myself.
I was a Brandt, I didn't need another last name.
So I did what any self respecting woman should do, I left.
I took one last look in mirror, and said goodbye to my unhappiness.
As I looked back I saw he was crying. Real, honest to goodness, head in his hand, kneeling on the ground in our driveway, man tears.
I couldn't help but smile as I blasted Rilo Kiley's Breakin' Up.
Oooooo, it feels good to be free.
That was the most liberating moment in my life.
Because I knew for a fact that he no longer had any power over me.
I chose happiness.
I chose to leave and take control of my life.
I chose to create my happiness.
Not to say that others can't bring us happiness, but it shouldn't depend on them.
I can be happy without a man.
Now, don't confuse this with me being a man hater.
I love companionship.
Happiness can be created together through a relationship.
It is not dependent on one party.
Its a 100/100 thing not 10/90.
I invite you to love yourself enough to be happy.
Let it into your life willingly.
Everyone has trials, but it's your responsibility to overcome them.
Water has the ability to soften potatoes or harden eggs.
Trials have that same ability with our hearts.
It's what you do with your situation that matters.
Love others and bring sunshine into their lives,
just make sure you consider your happiness first.
No one is going to do it for you.
Sometimes it's ok to be a little selfish.
So decide right now.
Are you going to sit around waiting for someone to save you
or are you going to get off your ass and save yourself?
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