Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Self Acceptance

My dad always taught acceptance.
It didn't matter your race, color, sexual orientation or financial status,
 that was still your fellow man and you treated them as equals. 
With love, with respect.

Life is so incredibly beautiful because we are all so different.
We want to be accepted for who we are, so shouldn't we apply that to others?
Can we discriminate against others but then still expect to be accepted ourselves?
The answer is no, absolutely not.

I believe you should show love to everyone you meet,
because they, like us, are fighting their own internal battles.
Should we not show compassion and support to our fellow man?
I urge you to show kindness without limitations or conditions.

I asked myself a few questions a little over a year ago after a conversation among friends.
Why should you be limited to who you love strictly based on gender/anatomy?
Should I limit myself to one gender just because that was the social norm?
What if my soulmate is indeed a woman?

I found my answers to be, No, no & she very well could be.

And then I felt it, that sinking feeling that made my stomach turn.
How in the world am I going to tell my family?
My family is my number one priority in life & my support system, but I feel like I constantly let them down with decisions I've made.
How am I supposed to tell the people who I love so much that I'm going to be living a lifestyle that they don't necessarily agree with.

I then came to this realization:
I'm still the same person.

I don't like labels but,
I guess technically I'm Bisexual.
I am attracted to both males and females, because I'm attracted to them as people.
For them as souls, not specifically because of their gender.
I accept them as they are, as I believe it should be.
This is my opinion, I don't say this to project my views on you, simply to express how I feel.

I know that I have a lot of friends who do not agree with me & thats ok.
I believe that everyone has the freedom to believe and accept what they wish.
I am respectful to you in your relationship decisions and I would ask the same from you.
If you simply don't agree with my lifestyle, feel free to remove yourself from my life.
Please remember that before you do this:
I'm still the same person.

Im grateful for the love and support that I have already received.
The numbers are overwhelming.
I know this may be a tough transition for some but again I'm grateful for the acceptance.



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